About Us

Two individuals sharing a common interest, and that is the love to travel have collaborated and decided to start a travel servicing business involving the facilitation of tours and transfers that are techno-based online that is simple and easy to follow backed-up by a real travel office serving for manual bookings and/or as help desk for “Online Booking.”
Such travel bookings shall be used in the operation of the travel servicing business like a the tour and travel agency. Using its copyrighted name “HopOn” , the business shall be HOP ON TRAVEL FACILITY COMPANY”, a partnership duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Established on the brink of the lingering Pandemic , in January 2022, the company hopes to provide the facility of travelling whether “staycation or vacation “ using technology and yet still maintain the traditional travel office set-up for manual facilitation or serving as “help-desk”.
Mission and Vision Statement
- We intend to make our customers our partners in this endeavor
- We intend to make our workers attain personal happiness by uplifting their economic condiotions and have a better quality of life;
- We intend to make our shareholders achieve the vision they have passionately committed for self-actualization and greater financial freedom
- All these positive intentions are geared towards the delivery of a vision to be a “common household name” in providing travellers stress-free journeys that are itemized but flexible, technology based but user friendly and optimal satisfaction but cost effective .